Friday, November 17, 2006

PS3 comes and goes at

I checked last night for the PS3 and it wasn't there. This morning, I should have checked earlier, but came across a link from that Costco would start selling the PS3 online at 8 AM PST. It was already 8:25 when I saw it. I was able to get online and see the price -- $699 for the PS3 with 60 GB drive & wireless model, 1 game, and 1 additional controller. A better deal than the $1079 bundle at Fry's which comes with 8 games. Anyway, I tried for a while but was never able to place an order and soon after became inaccessible. After about an hour, they were sold out. I guess we could try to find one at the local Costco, but I have no way of knowing if they actually have any and I think at this point I'd rather wait until there are plenty of them and the price isn't inflated.

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