It seems no one can possibly gain anything from this mess. Not Lyons, who lost his network job (though not his part-time Dodgers gig). Not Piniella, whose lame Spanglish deserved mocking — Sweet Lou described an Oakland A's player as being en fuego (geez, Lou: I didn't know that cliche translated into español, también). Not Fox Sports, which now must answer to accusations of political correctness from its frothing news division. And not even the nation's alphabet soup of Latino advocacy groups — MALDEF, LULAC, NALEO, MEChA — can use the incident to thunder about the plight of their wards before a rapt, donation-ready audience, because the remarks were so mild.
Insulting Latinos — the nation's largest minority, with billions in spending power, blah, blah, blah — is a cherished tradition among baseball writers and analysts.
The best part of his essay is the last paragraph which recalls an incident from a couple of years ago that I had forgotten about:
Besides, Psycho got it all wrong. All real baseball fans know Latinos steal Derek Jeter's glove, not wallets. Just ask Ruben Rivera.
I think the whole thing was ridiculous, and as Arellano points out, not too much was made of Arnold Schwarzennegger's comments about Latinos recently which was way over the line. That issue came and went pretty fast, but this Lyons story was less important and is still around