Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The All Car Garage
Too Slow to Post
In the case of the entry that got done too late, I even emailed the site to point out a typo on their home page...so much for my good deed.
Brand Name Shoes
They carry shoes for nurses, athletic shoes, women's slippers, shoes for kids and even vegetarian shoes! Check out this page of men's athletic sandals, my favorite type of shoe -- I'm wearing some right now! Those vegetarian shoes are non-leather. You don't have to eat them...and you don't have to be a vegetarian to wear them.
Those new ipods
I already have a couple of ipods, but the new ones Apple showed today look pretty good. It's just like almost anything else with technology -- things get cheaper, smaller and have more storage. So you can always wait for the next generation and get more for your money.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Estelle.tv goes to Kuaui
vizaweb coming back to life
Something is happening at vizaweb.com, which is an improvement over the past couple of days. I can access my weblog although it still has mysql errors. I am optimistic that they will resolve everything by tomorrow, but I'm sure that many of their customers will leave them and that they will lose other potential customers because of this. As with most cases where things go wrong, the bad thing was made much worse by the absence of any information from the people in charge.
Need to rewind your hose?
I have an automated sprinkler system in my yard, but I still need to use a hose just about every day to water some areas which don't get enough water or get too much sun, or for various other plants. Managing the water hose is a pain in the neck, but ReelSmart makes a water powered hose rewinder which would really make hose management much easier. Their weblog has lots of info about Hose Reels as well as other garden-related things. I liked their article about how to prune your roses, something I need to do.
More than 20 years ago I used to play the arcade game Zookeeper pretty much every day. I worked in a bowling alley and the game was right across from the front desk where I worked. It was a great game, but I never noticed it being available on any other platform. It turns out there is a $2000 arcade game system you can buy which comes with 100 games, one of which is Zookeeper. I played it for a little while and was surprised that I still remembered the game very well even though I had not played it in more than 20 years. I did a little more research and Zookeeper is available for the PS2, PC and XBOX as part of Taito Legends for around $20. I think I'll save myself $1980 and buy that.
Bridal Shower invitations
If you are having a bridal shower for your wedding, take a look at this Bridal Shower Invitations page.This page has some good ideas, nicely organized, with additional links related to bridal shower invitations.Tags: payperpost, "bridal shower invitation"
Discussion about Vizaweb
Anyone who would like to chat about the vizaweb outage/problem -- I have set up a discussion here:
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Vizaweb going from bad to worse
My weblog at brian.reillyville.com doesn't show up at all now, and Vizaweb goes to WhatsYourDomain.com. I am hoping that this will get resolved tomorrow and that part of the reason things aren't fixed yet is that this happened over a weekend. However, I have gotten no replies from vizaweb since Friday afternoon, and there seems to be no way to get any information about what's going on. They've got a problem with their databases and maybe their domain name registration. On the other hand, maybe they didn't pay their bills and they are out of business. It's hard to tell.
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