Monday, November 27, 2006

HP Digital Cameras are great for schools

I really like to take pictures and I think the digital camera is probably the greatest gadget to come along in many years. The only thing better is a digital camera and a printer to print out the photos. Although I've never owned an HP digital camera myself, I have bought a couple of them for other people and smuggled them through customs in Jamaica to get them to my friends. It's hard to buy stuff like that in Jamaica... The HP cameras have a solid feel to them and take great photos. I used to have a neighbor who worked on HP's printers and he told me many times about how good their cameras were getting, and he was right.

If I had an HP digital camera and printer, I would take them to the local elementary school and teach students how to use them and help the students with a digital photography project for the rest of this school year. We would document what's going on at the school and on field trips, and incorporate the photos into a digital yearbook and use some of them to create digital stories with voice narration by the students. I would do my best to see that all students had a chance to use the camera -- around 300 students. We could use the printer to print some photos and put them up around the school and we'll put the digital stories onto a DVD and make them available to parents. I think a project like this would really show that not only can you take some great pictures with a digital camera, there are some great things you can do with the pictures!

This post was brought to you by HP

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