Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Jeff Garcia fan

I always liked Jeff Garcia when he was with the 49ers. We lived in San Jose at the time and he did too, plus he was from San Jose and his dad was his coach. I felt bad for him when the 49ers let him go and also when he had to endure some of the stupid comments made by Terrell Owens. Glad to see that Jeff Garcia is doing well and it was quite a contrast to watch the post game comments he made compared with Terrell Owens, who only complained about not getting the ball. Garcia is a team guy and he shows that in the way he plays. Owens has always been a me-first player who disrupts the team whenever things aren't going his way. I don't expect him to be back with the Cowboys next year and maybe other teams will wise up and see that as good as he can be on the field, his other antics make him not worth the effort.


Amy said...

Garcia is doing a helluva job!!!

I agree with you about T.O. - it'll be interesting to see who (if anyone) picks him up next year.

Brian Reilly said...

T.O. is the Dennis Rodman of the NFL. He's too good on the field, so despite his antics, someone will pay him, but anyone who values team chemistry will have to think a long time about doing that. You'd think the guy would learn, but I guess that he just can't help himself.